My Services

Nutrition Consultations
This is where our nutrition journey starts. There is no such thing as failure.

Adult consultations
First consultation – 90 minutes
In this first consultation the dietitian will assess the patient’s medical history, diet history and health and nutritional status. The dietitian will spend time on educating the patient on how necessary changes in the diet will benefit them and how to implement the changes. Education is vital as the changes should be part of a new lifestyle. This includes a meal plan and recipes that will be e-mailed after the appointment.

First follow up appointment
45 – 60 minutes
10 – 14 days after the initial consultation a follow up appointment is necessary to discuss the changes that have been implemented and to “fine-tune” the information gained. The patient usually needs to keep a food record and this will enable the dietitian to assess and discuss possible misconceptions or misunderstandings. During this consultation goals will be set regarding the condition i.e. ideal blood glucose levels, ideal weight loss etc.

Further follow up appointments
30 minutes
Further follow up appointments (usually 10 – 14 days apart) are necessary to receive the needed support and the latest nutritional information. Different topics will also be discussed such as eating away from home, holidays / travelling, how to change favourite recipes into healthier options, label reading etc.
Research suggests that follow-up appointments and accountability is most crucial in the first 6 months after embarking on lifestyle and dietary intervention.

Family Consultations
Duration – 2 hours
When families decide to improve their way of eating, it is vital that all the family members are involved in the education. The dietitian will spend time on educating the family on how necessary changes in their diet will benefit them and how to implement the changes. Education is vital as the changes should be part of a new lifestyle. This includes a meal plan and recipes that will be e-mailed after the appointment.

Paediatric consultations
Duration – 45 – 60 minutes
Due to the different education approach with children under the age of 12 years the appointment is of shorted duration. This consultation is an assessment of the child, which includes the medical history, family history and diet history. The child and parent/guardian attend this session together.
If necessary an appointment can be arranged with the parent/guardian prior to meeting the child, if necessary.

Discovery Vitality Nutritional consultations
Visit a dietitian and learn about healthier eating habits. You can earn 1 000 Vitality points for your consultation per year.

Gene testing by DNAlysis
This is health and nutrition tailored just for you. Nutrition and lifestyle affect the way your genes works. The simple swab opens a whole new world in health and nutrition. This is the “fine tuning” tool.
The dietitian will assess the results of the DNADiet swab and will tailor made your nutrition program.

Optifast – Nestlé
This program is more than a quick fix or shakes! It is a structured program developed by leading experts. This program is a very low calorie diet, 800 kcal, especially for people with diabetes or insulin resistance that battles to loose weight or control blood glucose levels.
The program consists of three scientifically formulated products taken daily for 8 weeks, with vegetables and salad as you wish. After the initial 8-week period, follows 4 weeks of where food is gradually reintroduced. And thereafter it is personalised for you by the dietitian.
Please feel free to contact me with any queries
I am looking forward to meeting you and assisting you in achieving your health goals.

+27 73 179 4907
Consulting rooms
21 Highland avenue, Bryanston